Manual Linux-GPIB installation
If for some reason the packages from Vsevolod Kukol's PPA do not work for you (or you are running another distribution), GPIB support can be installed manually.
This will need to be re-done after every kernel upgrade.
(To be safe, reboot before and after.)
1) | sudo dpkg -r linux-gpib | (Ubuntu only: remove existing package, if reinstalling) |
2) | wget | (obtain source package) |
3) | tar xfz linux-gpib-3.2.16.tar.gz |
4) | cd linux-gpib-3.2.16/ |
5) | ./configure --prefix=/usr |
6) | make |
7) | sudo make install |
8) | sudo checkinstall | (Ubuntu only: Set "11 - Provides: libgpib0") |