Mezurit 2

Installation instructions

Installing Mezurit 2 on your computer is simple in most cases. On Windows, the pre-complied packages available in the downloads section should work "out of the box" (details below). Binary packages are also available for Arch Linux and Ubuntu, but require one or two non-standard libraries detailed below. If you are running a different distribution, instructions for compiling Mezurit 2 are here and, for Linux-GPIB, here.

Arch Linux

For Arch Linux users, prototype PKGBUILDs and 64-bit packages are provided below:

mezurit2/ mezurit2-0.91-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
comedilib/ comedilib-20110817-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz Contains header and library files. (Kernel modules are included with the standard kernel package.)
linux-gpib/ linux-gpib-3.2.16-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz Contains header and library files, but the PKGBUILD is capable of generating kernel modules as well.

Source code (per GPL, LGPL requirements) for the third party libraries can be found in their respective project directories. PGP signatures and older versions can be found here.

These packages might be added to the AUR or placed in an unofficial repo at some point in the future. For now they must be installed manually, i.e.:
pacman -U mezurit2-0.91-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz

Important: If you have a GPIB card and actually want to use it with Mezurit 2, you will need to run makepkg on the PKGBUILD above to install driver modules for your current kernel. (This will create a separate package: linux-gpib-modules.)

[TODO:: Mention comedi_config, gpib_config, and dev node permissions.]


The standard Ubuntu software archives include everything needed to run Mezurit 2 except for up-to-date GPIB support. Fortunately, there is a PPA maintained by Vsevolod Kukol to fill this gap. (If the PPA does not work for you, check out the "old fashioned" procedure.)

1)Download the package for your system from the table below.
VersionCode namePackage
12.04Precise Pangolinmezurit2_0.91-1_i386_precise.deb
11.10Oneiric Ocelotmezurit2_0.91-1_i386_oneiric.deb
11.04Natty Narwhalmezurit2_0.91-1_i386_natty.deb
10.10Maverick Meerkatmezurit2_0.91-1_i386_maverick.deb
10.04Lucid Lynxmezurit2_0.91-1_i386_lucid.deb

Older versions are available here.

2)apt-get install python-software-properties(enable the apt-add-repository command)
3)apt-add-repository ppa:v-kukol/gpib && apt-get update(add the PPA to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/)
4)dpkg -i $package(replace $package with the downloaded file)
5)apt-get -f install(fix any missing dependencies)
If your system actually contains a GPIB card, there is one last step:
6)apt-get install gpib-modules-dkms(if not already installed)

It may be necessary to add the following lines to /etc/rc.local to gain access on the device nodes:
   chgrp iocard /dev/gpib*
   chmod 660    /dev/gpib*

Also, add your user to the iocard group using the "Users and Groups" utility or:
adduser $(whoami) iocard

Finally, reboot.

Windows XP (and later)

Warning: Mezurit 2 has a known (slow) memory leak (probably) caused by the Windows verson of GTK+. To allieviate the problem, simply roll-up/hide the Acquisition tool during long measurements.

To install Mezurit 2 on Windows:

1)Download the appropriate version from the table below.
NI-DAQmxNI-488.2Mezurit2-0.91-DAQmx.zipRecommended version*
NI-DAQ (legacy)
NI-DAQ (legacy)
--Mezurit2-0.91-dummy.zipFor testing purposes.
* Mezurit 2 runs equally well using the new NI-DAQmx and older NI-DAQ drivers. If you have the option, go with the newer system.

Older versions are available here. Per LGPL requirement, source code for GTK+ is available here.

2)Unzip (i.e. right-click, "Extract all") to the location of your choice.
3)(Optional) Make a shortcut to Mezurit2.exe and place it in a convenient location.

Note: If you get an "application failed to initialize properly 0xc0150002" error on startup, your system probably lacks msvcr90.dll. Fix this by installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package.