Mezurit 2

Online documentation - Terminal functions

Terminal functions (also called terminal commands) are defined in /usr/lib/mezurit2/ and ~/.config/mezurit2/ (see Installed files). For more information on adding new functions, go here.

Many terminal functions are similar to compute (channel or trigger) functions and vice versa. Equivalent or related functions are noted where appropriate. All standard terminal functions are detailed here except for utility and demonstration functions.

Note: Several functions expose features that are not present in the GUI, including gpib(), request_pulse(), fire_scope_pulse(), sweep_link(), and set_follower().

Table of Contents

General functions

xleep (delta_t)

delta_t floatTime in seconds to pause before continuing
return valuebool True on success, False on failure

see also: wait()

gpib (brd, pad, msg, eos=0x0, expect_reply=True)

brd int Index of GPIB board: 0 or 1 for physical boards, 2 for virtual board
pad int Primary address of the instrument: 1 ... 31
msg str GPIB message to send
eos int (Optional) End-of-string byte to use for the instrument, default: 0x0
expect_replybool(Optional) Whether Mezurit 2 should wait for a reply from the instrument, default: True
return valuestr Reply (if applicable)

set_panel (pid)

pid int Index of desired page (-1 for Setup, 0 or 1 for Panels)
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

get_panel ()

return valueintIndex of the current panel, e.g. 0 for Panel 0 (-1 for Setup)

see also: panel()

Configuration functions

Note: Config files may be saved at any time, but loaded in setup mode only.

save_config_file (filename)
load_config_file (filename)

filename str Relative or absolute path to config file
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

save_user_default ()

return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

effect: Save the current configuration to ~/.config/mezurit2/default.mcf (see Installed files).

load_user_default     ()
load_system_default   ()
load_internal_default ()

return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

effect: Load a default configuration.

load_last_config ()

return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

effect: Load the configuration present on last shutdown.

set_var (line)

line str Setting in the form 'variable=value' (see any MCF file for a complete list of possible variables)
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

get_var (var)

var strSetting to query, i.e. the variable in 'variable=value'
return valuestrValue as a string if the variable was found, otherwise ''.

get_sweep_id (channel)

channel intIndex of virtual channel
return valueintAssociated sweep id (-1 if not invertible, -2 if argument error)

This function is needed to determine the config string for a sweep setting, as explained here.

Acquisition functions

set_recording (on)

on boolTrue to start, False to stop recording data
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

see also: set_recording()

gpib_pause (paused)

paused boolTrue to cease, False to resume updating GPIB channel functions
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

get_time ()

return valuefloatTime in seconds since the current panel was first started or its timer was reset

see also: time()

channel_value (channel)

channel int Index of virtual channel, i.e. 2 for X2
return valuefloatCurrent value of Xchannel, if known, otherwise 0

see also: ch()

channel_known (channel)

channel int Index of virtual channel, i.e. 2 for X2
return valueboolTrue if the value of Xchannel is known, otherwise False

DAC control functions

set_dac (channel, target)

channel int Index of virtual channel to set (e.g. 2 for X2), must be invertible
target floatTarget value in scaled units (e.g. mV)
return valuebool True on success, False on failure

see also: set_dac()

sweep_up   (channel)
sweep_down (channel)
sweep_stop (channel)

channel int Index of virtual channel to start or stop sweeping
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

see also: sweep_up(), sweep_down(), sweep_stop()

catch_sweep (event, channel)

event str Event to catch: 'zerostop', 'min', 'max', 'min_posthold', 'max_posthold'
channel int Index of virtual channel
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

effect: Wait until the specified event occurs while sweeping Xchannel.

channel1 int Index of virtual channel to link
channel2 int Index of virtual channel to link
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

effect: Links sweeping of Xchannel1 with sweeping of Xchannel2 and vice versa - they will start and stop together.

return valuebool True on success, False on failure

effect: Unlinks all sweeps on the current panel.

Note: Sweep linking is deprecated in favor of the more general method offered by set_follower().

set_follower (leader, follower, expr)

leader int Index of leader virtual channel (must be invertible)
follower int Index of follower virtual channel (must be invertible)
expr str Python expression used to compute the follower target based on the leader value, as function of x
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

effect: The follower channel will be set automatically whenever the leader channel is set. More information here.

remove_follower (leader)

leader int Index of leader virtual channel
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

show_followers ()

return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

effect: A list of leader-follower arrangements will be printed in the status area.

Scope functions

request_pulse (channel, target)

channel int Index of virtual channel to pulse when (and if) scope fires, must be invertible
target floatTarget value in scaled units (e.g. mV)
return valuebool True on success, False on failure

see also: request_pulse()

cancel_pulse (channel)

channel int Index of virtual channel which should not be pulsed
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

see also: cancel_pulse()

fire_scope   ()
cancel_scope ()

return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

see also: fire_scope(), cancel_scope()

fire_scope_pulse (channel, target)

channel int Virtual channel to pulse, must be invertible
target floatTarget value in scaled units (e.g. mV)
return valuebool True on success, False on failure

see also: fire_scope_pulse()

Note: fire_scope() and fire_scope_pulse() return immediately, i.e. while the scope may still be scanning.

catch_scan_start  ()
catch_scan_finish ()

return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

effect: Wait until scope starts or finishes (successfully or prematurely).

Trigger functions

arm_trigger    (id)
disarm_trigger (id)

id int Index of trigger to arm or disarm, range: 0 ... 7
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

see also: arm_trigger(), disarm_trigger()

force_trigger  (id)
cancel_trigger (id)

id int Index of trigger to start (force) or stop, range: 0 ... 7
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

see also: force_trigger(), cancel_trigger()

catch_signal (signal)

signal str Text signal to catch
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

see also: emit_signal()

Note: catch_signal() will not return until the specified signal is received.

Buffer functions

new_set ()

return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

see also: new_set()

t_zero ()

return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

effect: Reset the current panel timer
see also: t_zero()

save_data (filename)

filename str Relative or absolute filename to which to save data (if already existing, data will be appended)
return valueboolTrue on success, False on failure

see also: save_data()

clear_buffer (confirm, tzero)

confirm boolWhether to confirm clearing of unsaved data using a dialog box
tzero boolWhether to simultaneously reset the panel timer
return valuestr Reply indicating whether the buffer was actually cleared

Autosweep functions

megasweep_estimate (sweep_ch, N_step)

sweep_ch int Index of virtual channel to be swept
N_step int Proposed number of steps (sweeps)
return valuefloatEstimated time in hours

improved in version 0.81

megasweep_up   (sweep_ch, step_ch, V_start, V_end, N_step, filename)
megasweep_down (sweep_ch, step_ch, V_start, V_end, N_step, filename)

sweep_ch int Index of virtual channel to sweep
step_ch int Index of virtual channel to step between sweeps
V_start floatStarting "voltage" for Xstep_ch
V_end floatEnding "voltage" for Xstep_ch
N_step int Number of segments between V_start and V_end
filename str Relative or absolute filename to which to save data
return value none

effect: The sweep will be repeated N_step+1 times (to include both endpoints), saving data on either up or down sweeps

minisweep_up   (sweep_ch, N_step, filename)
minisweep_down (sweep_ch, N_step, filename)

sweep_ch intIndex of virtual channel to sweep
N_step intNumber of steps (sweeps)
filename strRelative or absolute filename to which to save data
return value none

effect: The sweep will be repeated exactly N_step times, saving data on either up or down sweeps